Tuesday, May 27, 2014



"Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth-the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too."    Goethe

In today’s economy of accomplishment and ambition, one of the hardest lessons to learn is the lesson of risk-taking. This involves counter intuitive thinking.  Moving forward with conflicting options and without solid proof of the outcome.  We would all love to be given a crystal ball and see the future and make the decision process that much easier.  Or if we had a higher power give us insight, it would certainly provide assurance for the outcome. But, this is where the vitality of our existence is realized.  We are given the free will to choose directions, to uniquely assimilate the data that the world around us transmits, and to build our own expertise and instincts.  God may provide the doors, windows and other portals, even the opportunities themselves, but it is up to our own confidence and commitments to step forward.  And, as Goethe has pointed out, then Providence steps in.

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